The Last Year of My Twenties

2 min readJan 3, 2022


Time is a funny thing! We measure the age in circles around the sun. If we were a bit further from it, the trip would be longer, a bit closer, and the trip shorter. It’s scientific, or kind of philosophical!

One more year of life has passed, and I finished another circle around the sun! one year closer to 30. Or actually, this’s the last year of the twenties! I’m 29 today!

In the morning, I woke up and shouted: “this is the last year of my twenties! What the hell am I doing with my life?”. Getting old has always been scary to me, I am scared that I will grow up and not achieve anything I dream of.

I took a deep breath and told myself: “I have a lot of plans and goals for this year, and I’ve already started working on them, so my life is kind of going as I wish. I will make myself happier this year, so let’s start!”.

To be honest, I do not feel any different than yesterday or last week. I do not know how I’m supposed to feel different while I watch myself grow up day by day! But I feel proud of myself!

Take a look at the past years, how much has everything been given to me? The sweet and sour memories that sometimes bring a sweet smile to my face and sometimes bring tears to my eyes are the greatest gift I have ever received. This “experience” became the basis of my future.

I was completely unsatisfied doing anything other than pursuing to get creative, successful, and wildlife. I always knew that every choice I made in life dictated where I would end up, and who I would become. So there are huge decisions that I made about my career, lifestyle, and my social life that define who I am. All of my imperfection, my curiosity, my mistakes, my decisions, and my desire to explore and try these different things, that is what makes me me!

The best thing is the level of patience I have with life. and the thing that matters is how much I love myself, my friends, my family, my life, and my passions. Also, I had so many people who showed me love and affection on this day and all last year! I couldn’t be more thankful for having them!

I hope this year brings a lot of success, happiness, and peace to my soul!

